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Timestamp Name (as in the passport) Paper/Research Title Journal (publisher's complete information along with ISSN) Publication: Volume-Issue-Month -Year etc.  Download link (web link should be from the journal/source website directly)
1/28/2016 12:05:54 Abduljalil Nasr Mohammed Hazaea Discursive Legitimation of Human Values: Local-global Power Relations in Global Media Discourse GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies is an ESCI (WoS) and Scopus indexed peer reviewed international journal published by UKM Press.   ISSN: 1675-8021  Vol 14, No 1 (2014)
1/28/2016 12:11:23 Abduljalil Nasr Mohammed Hazaea Dissemination of Human Values: Discourse Analysis of Global Educational Media Texts Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  Elsevier Science Direct ISSN: 1877-0428   118 ( 2014 ) 166 – 171 
1/28/2016 12:14:05 Abduljalil Nasr Mohammed Hazaea Representation Of Nojoud's ‘Early' Marriage: A CDA Of Online English-Language Yemeni Newspapers GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies is an ESCI (WoS) and Scopus indexed peer reviewed international journal published by UKM Press. ISSN: 1675-8021  Vol 11, No 1 (2011)
1/28/2016 12:17:35 Abduljalil Nasr Mohammed Hazaea The Effectiveness of Using Mobile on EFL Learners' Reading Practices at Reading Classroom in Najran University GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies Forthcoming Forthcoming
1/28/2016 20:35:21 Jalal Ahmad 1. Problems of Pronunciation with English Consonant Sounds among the Saudi Learners: A Case Study of Preparatory Year Najran University
2. Developing Writing Skills: A Practical Remedy of Common Writing Problems among the students of Writing Skills Course  at Preparatory Year, Najran University KSA
3. Teachers' Perspectives on Errors in English Consonant Sounds by Saudi EFL Learners
4. Saudi EFL Learners views on English Pronunciation 
1. Language in India  ISSN: 930-2940
2. Language in India  ISSN: 930-2940
3. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN: 2320-9720
4. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies ISSN: 2321-2799
1. Volume 11 : 7 July 2011
2. Volume 12 : 3 March 2012
3. Volume 1, Issue 3, November 2013
4. Volume 2, No. 2, 2014
1. .
1/28/2016 22:03:33 Abduljalil Nasr Mohammed Hazaea EXCLUSION OF LOCAL IDENTITIES IN GLOBAL MEDIA DISCOURSE: POWER RELATIONS OVER HUMAN VALUES Discourse Context and Media forthcoming  forthcoming
2/4/2016 17:49:53 Syed Raihan Ahmed Nezami A Critical Study of Comprehension Strategies and General Problems
in Reading Skill Faced by Arab EFL Learners with Special Reference
to Najran University in Saudi Arabia International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Volume 2 Issue 3 Year 2012,%202012/Paper-30/Paper-30.pdf
2/4/2016 17:57:55 Syed Raihan Ahmed Nezami A Critical Study of Comprehension Strategies and General Problems
in Reading Skill Faced by Arab EFL Learners with Special Reference
to Najran University in Saudi Arabia
International Journal of Social Sciences and Education ISSN: 2223-4934E Volume 2 Issue 3 Year 2012,%202012/Paper-30/Paper-30.pdf
2/23/2016 22:31:29 Sultan Saleh Ahmed Almekhlafy " Teaching English Language In Disadvantage Context IJSST ( International Journal of Social Science Tomorrow)Society for Promoting International Research and Innovation (SPIRI)
ISSN-L: 2277-6168
May 2012, Vol,2
2/24/2016 10:23:43 MOHAMMED MAHIB UR RAHMAN Teaching of English in Saudi Arabia: Prospects and Challenges Academic Research International (ARInt.) ISSN 2223-9553 Vol. 04, No.01 (2013)
2/24/2016 10:25:58 MOHAMMED MAHIB UR RAHMAN ELT in Saudi Arabia: a Study of Learners' Needs Analysis Lap Lambert Academic Publishing (BOOK) 2011
16/02/2016 10.47.00        Sultan Saleh Ahmed Almekhlafy Problems and Prospects in tribal Education SC and ST Research and Training Institute, Bhubaneswar, Orissa State Level Seminar 2010
2/16/2016 10:47:00 Sultan Saleh Ahmed Almekhlafy Remediation of EFL Classless Context through Quick Rising Activities in Qatar TESOL Publication 2015 
2/16/2016 10:47:00 Sultan Saleh Ahmed Almekhlafy Teaching English Language In Disadvantage Context IJSST May,2012
2/16/2016 10:47:00 Sultan Saleh Ahmed Almekhlafy Mobile-Mediated Communication a Tool for Language Exposure in EFL Informal Learning Settings Sino-Us China Journal forthcoming