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Course Objectives


Professional Ethics course (150 skills_1) aims to help students to:

·Know the concept of Profession and Ethics and their importance and place in Islam.

·Know the concept of Professional Ethics and their effect on the individual and society and on the entire work.

·Know the commendable qualities and noble ethics they should have in work.

·Analyze bad manners and misbehavior they should avoid in work.

·Know their rights and duties towards work, clients, colleagues and bosses (Heads)

Communication Skills course (150 SKILLS -2) aims to help students to:

·Know the concept of communication, its etiquette ,its importance, its components and its effectiveness.

·Identify the different  patterns of  personalities in the communicative situation to determine the appropriate methods and strategies to deal with them.

·Improve skills of listening, understanding and empathy with others.

·Acquire the nine skills of non- verbal communication and implement them in communicative situations successfully.

·Create a true ,accurate and effective communicative message.

·Conduct interviews and successful formal and social talks.

·Talk with confidence and fluency in front of crowds.

·write scientific articles efficiently.

·Write summaries efficiently.

·Write their  resume, and introduce themselves well.


Learning , Thinking and Research Skills  course   ( 140 SKILLS-2) aims to help students to:

·Manage themselves and their communicative, psychological and mental abilities in a way that leads them to success ,excellence and creativity

·Identify  the concept of search and to distinguish between research tools

·know the  elements of research and arrange its papers well.

·Compare between the direct and indirect quote .

·Document the references in the research and in the references list.

·Differentiate between the symbols and marks of facilitating research on the internet.

·Use the Internet to access information

·know their  role in the  knowledge-based economy..

·Mention the vital necessities of knowledge in all knowledge-based economy.

·Acquire the research and scientific  writing skills  .

·Develop the thinking and Problems Solving skills to help them  in their life and in their university study.